With so many different beard shampoos on the market, many people have decided to save time and money by making their own right at home. While no two beard shampoos are exactly the same, those that are the most effective seem to have a few things in common. Before you grab those ingredients and get started on your own DIY beard shampoo, consider these criteria that will help you to develop the best product for your skin and facial hair.
1. The Cleaning Capability
While this might seem obvious, it needs to be at the top of your DIY beard shampoo list. If the shampoo is not cleaning the beard, then what is the point of making it? The shampoo needs to have a cleansing product that has a good exfoliate ingredient, meaning it might be a little rougher on the skin but it will lather well and remove any dirt of the facial hair you accumulated during the day.
2. Moisturizing Ability
The reason a beard will look good is due in part to the natural oils present in the hair that keeps it looking great and easily manageable. Washing the beard strips it of those oils, so you need to incorporate moisturizers that are not harsh on the hair and leave in some of the oils. Once the beard is dried off, you should be able to manage it easily and it still will feel soft.
3. A Nice Lather
The best DIY beard shampoo will lather fairly quickly and easily. Many of the store-bought beard shampoos are loaded with chemicals that will cause the shampoo to lather quickly, but the price you pay is harsh toxic chemicals coming in contact with your skin and hair. Use all natural lathering agents in the shampoo and it will provide a rich foamy lather that works effectively. List of high quality all natural beard shampoos
4. The Scent
When it comes down to making your own beard shampoo, you have the option to choose a fragrance that appeals to you. Pick a scent that you like because you’ll smell it all day long. Given the close proximity of the facial hair to your nose, go with a subtle hint that still is something that appeals to you. Mix a few different batches so you can switch out the scents from day-to-day to add some variety in your cleaning routine.
5. Organic Ingredients
Since you are going to be making the beard shampoo yourself, you might as well go all organic so that not only does the facial hair benefit, your skin will not be absorbing any dangerous chemicals as you wash the beard every night. Mixing all natural ingredients will safely strip away the dirt, grime, dust, and dirt from the beard while allowing some of the natural oils to stay behind and protect the hair follicles.
When it comes to DIY beard shampoo, remember that you are in complete control here and that you can adjust any of these factors the way you like. If you want a more robust manly smelling scent, go for pine instead of something sweet. If the shampoo does not lather quickly, just understand that you don’t have toxic ingredients in the shampoo any longer, so patience will be your best resource until you get used to your new product.
The post How To Make Beard Shampoo At Home (DIY) appeared first on Beardoholic.